Friday, January 27, 2017

"Alternative Facts"

I believe this article is a perfect example of how the millennials are NOT the only generation to be very opinionated. The entire Trump staff is not only heavily opinionated, but reason there opinions to be "facts". For example, the Secretary of Press stated the the inauguration of Donald Trump was "the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration—period—both in person and around the globe.” This is a blatant lie, yet for some reason, the Trump administration continues to push the idea that this statement is true. It does not make sense to me that so many people are pushing the subject to the side, and overlooking the fact that the people who are suppose to be informing our population on the business that affects us, are focused on only presenting lies about the silliest things that none of us really care about. And to make it worse, these same people are stating that these are FACTS. How could they possibly stand there so confidently and say something like that? I do not believe our generation can be pointed at with fingers and say that the millennials are the ones that are indecisive and too opinionated when the men and women associated with this executive branch are acting younger than the age of my generation. Grow up and take care of the people of this country, not your egos. 

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