Sunday, January 22, 2017

My So-Called Opinions Response

Personally, I did not enjoy trudging through that article. I felt as though it was heavily opinionated and tempted to reach out to audiences with broad ideas to make the article seem relatable and overall true. I don't believe our generation, the millennials, are the only generation who are indecisive in our decisions and beliefs. I think this is a pattern seen throughout all generations; however our generation is the only one which has the ability through technology such as social media to exploit this idea of indecisiveness. Yes, our generation is extremely opinionated and saturates the internet with our own opinions, but I am convinced that the generations before us were just as indecisive as we are. The only difference is that we have easier means to communicate it to the world than they did. I felt as though this article attempted to strip away all the positive aspects of the millennial generation. My generation is the most accepting of others, whether it is race, gender, religious affiliation, politics or sexual preference. That is a powerful and wonderful accomplishment, and I don't think it is something that can be so easily looked over the way this author did in his article.  

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