Monday, April 10, 2017

Quotidian 5-8

Pepsi Response

I think the Pepsi commercial did exactly what it intended: to get people to talk about Pepsi. Yes, the commercial is ignorant, but they did exactly what their goal was, making it successful. They took a famous person, and a well-known social justice topic and threw it all together in one expensive ad. So in the end, everyone gets what they wanted. Some way or another, the commercial relates to you and sticks with you in some way. That's basically what all advertisements do, and Pepsi was just attempting to step up their game against Coca-Cola.

Video Homework

Sunday, April 9, 2017

5 Video Artists

Marilyn Minter - "Green Pink Caviar"

I found her video to be quite disturbing in my opinion. I can understand there is a certain audience who would enjoy this, but I just found it odd. I didn't exactly get the idea behind it or what she wanted to accomplish; however, I did enjoy the bright colors of the "goo" that made the video bright and playful in a way.

Doug Aitken - clip from the "Migration Installation"

I REALLY enjoyed this piece. I loved the camera angles and the music that supported the suspension of the plot. I seemed eerily peaceful. I would be interested to see what the other 20 minutes looked like, but overall I found it beautiful with a powerful message.

Eve Sussman - "89 Seconds at Alcazar"

I am a big fan of the painting "Las Meninas." I always loved the psychological aspects Velasquez was able to insert in this painting (such as his self portraitlooking directly at the viewer as if he was painting them, or the argument of whether the people in the background are looking through a window or a reflection of a mirror). I like the fact that she uses another person's work to create her own new, original idea. I think that's very important for artist to be able to understand, especially for students who are in the visual studies major.

Candice Breitz

I find her work very distinctive in subject matter. She focuses on people, and specifically portrait views. It was almost like a "give and take" scenerio, and I think she does a great job at capturing human expression. I like the fact that her videos all seem to be similar in a sense.

Jesper Just - "No Man Is an Island II (2004)

I like the intensity at the begin, the quiet stillness. The man then breaks the silence by standing up and singing. men join in and it seems so right even though if this were to happen in person, it would probably be odd. I think he does a great job of cutting back to the man behind the bar where he has the same exact expression while the video is still progressing and changing. It gives it a sense of consistency. I found the video overall interesting and moving.

Quotidian 1-4

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Video Idea

Some type of music video either to a Hoizer song or "Mardy Bum" by Arctic Monkeys. (I don't know exactly why, I've just been jamming to those songs recently). Take more of a dramatic, realistic view rather than humorous.
something humorous, but still trying to think of an idea if it take a "funny" pathway

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The Flight:

Dear Diary,

I can't believe I am about to be half way across the world in a few hours. Never in a million years would I think I would actually get the chance to study abroad in Rome, Italy! I can't wait to call this country my home, and meet all my relatives who have spent their entire lives here.
I'm terrified for the plane ride though, but I know the short-lived fear will be worth it in the long run. Maybe they will have a free movie or something that can keep my mind occupied. I hope it's White Chicks. That movie never fails to make me laugh. Also, I should probably practice my Italian on the plane so I can be prepare when we walk out into the terminal. OH! And maybe I'll me some cute-ass Italian boy. That would be the dream.
Either way I'm excited to become a part of the culture. I want to see every piece of grand architecture the city holds, and try every type of pasta that exists. And be able to drink in public (duh). What's the point of being there for my 21st birthday if I'll already be drinking there the whole time there? Anyways, I'll let you know how the flight goes.
XOXO, Jordan

Graduation Day:

Dear Diary,

I'm terrified to leave college. Temple has been my home for 4 years and now everything is about to change. Sure its exciting to graduate with a degree in Visual Studies, but I still have to go through another 3 years of schooling anyways. And what if I end up hating art therapy? What will I do with my life then? I'll just be some broke college graduate with no sense of direction in life. Mom says I tend to worry a lot, and maybe over exaggerate, but come on, can you blame me? Like, Donald Trump fucked up our economy.
On the bright side, this cap and gown does look very badass on me, I must say. But, ugh, what if I trip again like I did at high school graduation? Or the wind blows my dress over my head like at my uncle's wedding last year? That's be my luck. I'll be damned, I never realized how unfortunate I am at public events.
Either way, I'm confident that I got the most out of this experience at the Tyler School of Art. I've made some great friends along the way, and mastered the art of procrastinating on projects and still managing to get that A. Too bad I still have grad school.
Until next time,
XOXO, Jordan

Move-In Day

Dear Diary,

TODAY IS THE DAY. THIS IS IT. I am finally going to my dream school, in my dream city, living in the best place on earth: The Village. I mean, come on now, I got the New York City skyline tattooed on my rib cage at 17. Like, I had to live here at some point or I'd just look like a fucking idiot when I'm 45 years old and have to explain to my kids why I have this thing permanently marked on my body if I never even lived there.
By the way, I am officially more broke than I ever was. I am a walking metaphor of a "broke ass college student." Better yet, "Starving Artist." But hey, atleast I'm going to have a career in doing what I love, and living in the greatest place on God's green earth (or atleast it was until global warming took over and no one seemed to give a shit.)
Also, Dad bought me 2 cans of pepper spray. Because, you know, one isn't enough. And on the bright side, I can finally wear my Jets jersey with pride in this city, unlike Philly. And just based off of that, I can already tell these are going to be the best years of my life.
Damn, it feels good to be home.
XOXO, Jordan

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

My 5 Year Plan

In the next 5 years, I plan to focus on myself. In the years to come, my life will be shared with a husband and grow into a family. Because of this, I want to make sure that I do, see, and learn everything I could possibly imagine in the next 5+ years before I have to dedicate my time and happiness to other people. I plan on studying abroad my junior year in Rome, potentially the full year. I want to learn the language and embrace the culture, especially because I am 50% Italian and have a lot of family members in Italy and Slovenia. After that, I plan on going to NYU for my Master's degree in Art Therapy. If you were to ask me if I could live any place in the world, "where would it be", my response would be The Village in New York City, without any hesitation. To live there and study at NYU would be dream come true.

I've had so many friends of mine die from overdoses, alcohol-related accidents, and suicides that many people can't personally relate to. But I've truly learned to embrace the idea of living life to the fullest, and only doing what makes ME happy because of it. If I can help others along the way, it's a bonus. But I understand that I need to live life for myself and not everyone else, which is something I alway tend to struggle with. I think it is achievable and if not, essential, for me to focus on my success and happiness. That is how I plan on living the next 5 years of my life.

Homework #5

I could not agree more with this article. The ending is the most powerful part:

"Whether we love Trump or hate him, is it possible we are all equally addicted consumers of spectacular images he continues to generate? Have we been complicit in the rise of Trump, if only by consuming the images generated by his person and politics? Do the critical counter-images that protesters create constitute true resistance, or are they instead collaborating with our fascination with spectacle?"

This stuck with me because I can admit that I am not, have not, and never will be a fan of Trump. Yet somehow I feel as though he is always being brought up in my every-day conversations. I am constantly seeing his tweets on my newsfeed. I am engulfed in his life even when I do not want to be. And when I walk in the Women's March, or the GOP retreat protest in Philly, am I feeding into these images when I post about it on my social media?

All-in-all, I think this article is powerful and current to our situation in America. Technology is taking over our everyday lives and effecting the way we think and feel, noticeably in this year's election. 

Homework #4

I believe both articles were just spitting out repetitive information that all of us have heard before. It is common sense that if a font is too distracting, or the format of a website is too busy, a person will less likely be happy while reading an article or browsing a website. And the same goes for the design of street signs- if the font is distracting, the driver will become distracted too, or at least confused for a moment. However, I do believe this is important information. Designs influence our lives every day- from being slightly annoyed while reading a news article, to the safety of our lives while operating a vehicle.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Everyone is Altered

I think it is interesting to reflect back on how the ideals of beauty have been rapidly changing over the years. I truly believe the main source of these new trends and fads are due to the advances in technology. A lot of times, beauty was "achieved' by covering up imperfections and flaws, but nowadays beauty is "achieved" if you alter and change the body entirely. And it is all because it is possible to do so now, whether physically through surgery or visually through digital media. It's crazy to me that this type of technology even exists. I believe I am nieve to how much is actually used in movies and tv shows, although I was aware that it existed. I think it is also important to note that this article was written over two years ago so just imagine how much this kind of technology has evolved just within that time period!

Friday, January 27, 2017

"Alternative Facts"

I believe this article is a perfect example of how the millennials are NOT the only generation to be very opinionated. The entire Trump staff is not only heavily opinionated, but reason there opinions to be "facts". For example, the Secretary of Press stated the the inauguration of Donald Trump was "the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration—period—both in person and around the globe.” This is a blatant lie, yet for some reason, the Trump administration continues to push the idea that this statement is true. It does not make sense to me that so many people are pushing the subject to the side, and overlooking the fact that the people who are suppose to be informing our population on the business that affects us, are focused on only presenting lies about the silliest things that none of us really care about. And to make it worse, these same people are stating that these are FACTS. How could they possibly stand there so confidently and say something like that? I do not believe our generation can be pointed at with fingers and say that the millennials are the ones that are indecisive and too opinionated when the men and women associated with this executive branch are acting younger than the age of my generation. Grow up and take care of the people of this country, not your egos. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The Quotidian Project Proposal

Create a time-lapse drawing:

I will dedicate 15 minutes of drawing a day, atleast 3 times a week. After each 15 minute segment, I will take a photograph directly above the piece. After the piece is complete, I will compress all the photos taken through the process and make them into a short time-lapse video.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

My So-Called Opinions Response

Personally, I did not enjoy trudging through that article. I felt as though it was heavily opinionated and tempted to reach out to audiences with broad ideas to make the article seem relatable and overall true. I don't believe our generation, the millennials, are the only generation who are indecisive in our decisions and beliefs. I think this is a pattern seen throughout all generations; however our generation is the only one which has the ability through technology such as social media to exploit this idea of indecisiveness. Yes, our generation is extremely opinionated and saturates the internet with our own opinions, but I am convinced that the generations before us were just as indecisive as we are. The only difference is that we have easier means to communicate it to the world than they did. I felt as though this article attempted to strip away all the positive aspects of the millennial generation. My generation is the most accepting of others, whether it is race, gender, religious affiliation, politics or sexual preference. That is a powerful and wonderful accomplishment, and I don't think it is something that can be so easily looked over the way this author did in his article.  

Wednesday, January 18, 2017


I have no computer experience what so ever

I have to be able to edit photos to enhance their quality, even at a basic level

Visual Studies focuses on on all aspects of art, including computers from our modern era

I have no experience with Photoshop or Illustrator

I own a MacBook Pro with no softwares on it

My favorite artist is Banksy

My favorite musician is Chance the Rapper

Something interesting about myself is that I survived a tornado